MegaPulse 10x700-7PF, bulk cap voltages of 2000-7000V, 10x700uSec Voltage Waveform, 40 ohm 1 chnl. Designed specifically for testing to IEC 60950 and IEC 62368-1, including the Australian Deviation. Includes self-regulating high-voltage power supply for more stable voltage control.
Optional TestMinder PF computer control and 1000:1 Oscilloscope output (reference only). Option IER equips the tester with a switch compliant with IEC 60065, Fig. 7B.
In accordance with the requirements of IEC 60950, IEC 62368-1 and ITU-T Standards, the meter reads the bulk capacitor voltage. The output voltage will be less (see Datasheet).
Calibrated at bulk cap voltages of 1000-7000V to reflect the test points of IEC 60950, IEC 62368-1 and the Australian Deviation. ISO 17025 calibration available.