Material Moisture Meters

Material Moisture Meters

We carry Moisture Meters that can determine the percent of moisture and/or percent of relative humidity, temperature, and dewpoint in construction building materials including wood, brick, tile, plaster, sheetrock, wallboard, linoleum on concrete, concrete slabs, and roofing. Our selection includes moisture meters that can measure the moisture content of EIFS (synthetic plaster), cardboard, paper, and insulation.

For specialized applications in concrete and oil, we also have compact sensors and transmitters that take the guesswork out of water contamination in oil or portable rugged kits that are used for assessing water damage or curing rates in concrete.

Pin-type meters read surface and core moisture content providing key details about uniformity and moisture distribution. As a large-scale example, measuring moisture in concrete still relies on proven bore-hole methods.

Newer non-invasive, non-destructive electronic impedance technologies can display quick, accurate, and reliable moisture readings without penetrating, drilling or mechanically damaging the surface.

If you need assistance selecting a moisture meter for your moisture measuring application please contact us at toll free 1.866.363.6634 or email us at [email protected].

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