Coating Thickness Gauges

Coating Thickness Gauges

Discover the intricacies of surface integrity using Calright Instruments’ state-of-the-art coating thickness gauges. These precise tools enable you to protect your materials from corrosion, guaranteeing long-lasting durability and consistent quality.

About Our Coating Thickness Gauges

At Calright Instruments, our coating thickness gauges harness advanced technology to deliver unparalleled accuracy in measuring coatings on metallic substrates. Our instruments leverage two distinct measurement methods, tailored to ferrous and non-ferrous materials, guaranteeing reliable results regardless of the application.

Our gauges for ferromagnetic substrates like steel and iron govern by the magnetic induction principle. These instruments seamlessly measure non-magnetic coatings such as enamel, paint, aluminum, copper, brass, and chrome, unveiling the precise thickness of protective layers.

Our coating thickness gauges employ the eddy-current principle for non-magnetic substrates like bronze, aluminum, brass, and copper. This sophisticated technology excels in measuring electrically insulating coatings, including plastics, paint, anodized coatings, enamel, and ceramics, ensuring comprehensive coverage across diverse materials.

Why Get Coating Thickness Gauges from Calright Instruments?

Calright Instruments’ team takes pride in its professionals. We have a deep understanding of the importance of coating thickness measurements in industries like tank and pressure vessel manufacturing. We ensure customers receive the best possible service and support.

We recognize that optimal coating thickness is essential for longevity and product quality, shielding materials from environmental corrosion. That is why we meticulously guide you through the selection and configuration process, ensuring you acquire the perfect coating thickness gauge tailored to your specific testing applications.

Our quality extends beyond our products. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive support to our customers, whether it’s guiding them through the selection and configuration process or assisting with instrument operation, data interpretation, or maintenance. We are always just a phone call or email away.

To find out more about our coating thickness gauges, feel free to contact us today.

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