Correct Use of Inserts

Correct Use of Inserts

From time to time we get information from end-users of dry-block calibrators that something is wrong with the calibrator, as it is not able to meet the temperature specifications.

This is often due to the fact that the customer is using a wrong insertion tube, although he is in good faith.
Therefore, you can save a lot of time and irritations by using the right insertion tube.

Important things to REMEMBER when using inserts:

−Remove inserts from the well with the insert removal tool.
−Remove the inserts after calibration, as it might cause problems to remove them later on if they stay in the well for longer periods.
−Take care when removing very hot or cold inserts and use adequate protective equipment if necessary. −Make certain that the sensors and inserts are free from any particles of dirt before inserting them into the well. Inserts are designed to fit perfectly into the well thus maximizing the thermal conductivity. If not the insert may be jammed.
−Remove regularly build-up of dirt and dust from inserts and wells with a cloth or detergent.

Important things to AVOID when using inserts:

−Do not force inserts or sensors into the well.
−Do not drop any foreign materials into the well.
−Do not use oil or other liquids to optimize the thermal conductivity due to risk of leakage, which will destroy the other components.
−Do not use inserts of metals dissimilar to that of the block, unless specified by the manufacturer as this may cause a different degree of expansion and contraction.

Source by: Ametek

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