The 214B pulse generator employs semiconductor technology for high power pulse generation at up to 10 MHz repetition rate. The 214B delivers 100V pulses with 15 ns risetimes.
VMOS FETS used as current sources for the output amplifier tubes enable pulse width to be specified down to 25 ns. The 214B is thus well-equipped for low duty cycle applications such as laser diode pulsing or transient simulation.
Where changing duty cycle threatens destruction to the device under test, the 214B Constant Duty Cycle (CDC) mode provides device protection. In CDC operation the duty cycle, hence power, remains constant as frequency is varied. The 214B itself is protected against excessive duty cycles via an overload protection circuit.
Easy operation is assured by the timing error indication. Calibrated dials enable fast accurate adjustments. Operating into unmatched loads, clean pulse shape is guaranteed by the low reactance 50 O source impedance. Pulse distortions such as preshoot and overshoot are specified as 5% at all amplitudes.